“Munro and Robinson in 1983” and more in Bookish Tweets of the Week

First, in a tweet that should be preserved forever, Alice Munro and Marilynne Robinson are hanging out together in a photograph from 1983, looking impossibly chill and brilliant and beautiful. I’ve never wanted to squeeze myself into a photo more than this one. These are two of my favorite writers, and, more to the point, two of the most awe-inspiring writers of our time.

Then Edgar Allan Poe returned to Boston in the form of this gorgeous, eerie, windswept statue:

The Paris Review quoted Louise Erdrich on rejection:

Meanwhile, the literary world exploded over the news that French author Patrick Modiano won the Nobel Prize in Literature, confusing some…

While others took a more logical approach:

And finally, Joyce Carol Oates mused on what it means to write capital-L Literature:

What tweets would make your top bookish tweets list? Who else should I follow on Twitter for the best bookish news?

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